Slot Machine Paybacks and Slot Odds Explained (Tech4Truth Episode 3)
Find out how to win at slots, how the payback percentage of a slot machine works, and how the denomination of the machine makes a difference. I’m Mark Vincent, a certified slot technician, and my tech4truth videos are to educate the gambling public about how slots work, and how not to get scammed by those selling systems. This is Episode 1 of 8… make sure to view my other episodes when they come online! For more information visit To purchase a copy of my book about slots and how to get the best odds, visit http Sample Transcript: Slot machine paybacks aren’t that simple because there are multiple combinations and a huge return on investment when you hit something with a coin flip you might double your money, but on a slot machine you can turn one dollar in to ten thousand dollars if you hit which makes hitting something that much less likely to happen. Someone will, though, and eventually all the money won and lost will end up being around the theoretical payback of the machine. You may have heard the term hold, instead of payback. Hold is simply the opposite of payback. If a machine has a 92% payback then it has a 8% hold. The higher the payback and lower the hold of the machine, the more likely you’ll win when you play. Typically in US casinos, paybacks range from about 80% on the low end to 99% on the high end. Generally the higher the denomination, or value of one credit, the higher the payback. This means that quarter slots usually have a higher …
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Tags: Episode, Explained, machine, Odds, Paybacks, Slot, Tech4Truth